Prof. Christian von Hirschhausen is Professor of Energy Economics and Public Sector Management at Dresden University of Technology and Research Professor at DIW Berlin. The book addresses readers in the energy industry, energy and climate policymakers, regulators, and others interested in the low carbon energy system transformation in Germany, Europe, and worldwide. He works as guest researcher at DIW Berlin and specializes in analyzing the effects of the decarbonization of the European electricity sector. Eckart von Hirschhausen was born on August 25, 1967 in Berlin, Germany. As Eastern Europe and especially the countries of the former Soviet Union are important suppliers of fossil fuels (mainly oil and natural gas) to Western Europe, Prof. Hirschhausen's work includes economic analyses of the geopolitical situation, of regulation, of security of supply, and of related risk management issues.

Prof. von Hirschhausen focuses on the restructuring, regulation and financing of infrastructure sectors, mainly energy, and is a regular advisor to industry and policymakers.

German Energy and Climate Policies: A Historical Overview, The Transformation of the German Coal Sector from 1950 to 2017: An Historical Overview, Greenhouse Gas Emission Reductions and the Phasing-out of Coal in Germany, Nuclear Power: Effects of Plant Closures on Electricity Markets and Remaining Challenges, Renewable Energy Sources as the Cornerstone of the German Energiewende, Energy Efficiency: A Key Challenge of the Energiewende, The Role of Electricity Transmission Infrastructure, Sector Coupling for an Integrated Low-Carbon Energy Transformation: A Techno-Economic Introduction and Application to Germany, The Electricity Mix in the European Low-Carbon Transformation: Coal, Nuclear, and Renewables, Energy Infrastructures for the Low-Carbon Transformation in Europe, Cross-Border Cooperation in the European Context: Evidence from Regional Cooperation Initiatives, Modeling the Low-Carbon Transformation in Europe: Developing Paths for the European Energy System Until 2050, General Conclusions: 15 Lessons from the First Phase of the Energiewende.
Pao-Yu Oei leads a subgroup on “Decarbonization and Development” at the the Workgroup for Infrastructure policy (WIP) at the TU Berlin and works for the German Advisory Council on the Environment (SRU). Her research activities concentrate on the evaluation of climate and energy policy strategies. Technology University of DresdenProf.
Christian von Hirschhausen is a professor of Economics at the Workgroup for Economic and Infrastructure Policy (WIP) at TU Berlin.

Previously he was Chair of Energy Economics and Public Sector Management at TU Dresden. The authors, internationally recognized energy, electricity, and climate economists at the German Institute for Economic Research (DIW Berlin) and Berlin University of Technology, conclude that the first years of the energiewende have successfully laid the foundation for a renewables-based electricity system in Germany, but that challenges remain in relation to decarbonizing the electricity system and phasing out nuclear energy. Prof. Dr. Christian von Hirschhausen CV and List of Publications Chair Workgroup for Infrastructure Policy (WIP) Berlin University of Technology Straße des 17. (Eds.). In 2011 he finished his studies in economics and engineering at the TU Dresden. Springer is part of, Environmental / Development / Agricultural Economics. (gross), © 2020 Springer Nature Switzerland AG. He has also worked on quantitative research on European and international natural gas markets, applying econometric methods to price and contract data. The authors also provide ground-breaking insights to inform energy policy in other countries and at the European level. The final prices may differ from the prices shown due to specifics of VAT rules. Please be advised Covid-19 shipping restrictions apply. Previously he was Chair of Energy Economics and Public Sector Management at TU Dresden. can log in. In the outlook, the authors explore upcoming issues, such as coupling between the electricity and other sectors, and behavioral changes of industry and households.

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He is the scientific director of several research programs that cover a wide range of research in energy and related fields. Also, he works on issues on other regulated and non-regulated infrastructure sectors such as railways, highways, and public transport.In addition, Christian von Hirschhausen is involved in research related consulting for industry and policy makers.

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