For those of you reading this who don’t know the story of Roanoke, then here goes a very short account. Im FM4 Studio bei Lukas Tagwerker sind Mugtaba Hamoudah, Organisator der BlackLivesMatter-Kundgebung in Wien am Donnerstag, Adia Trischler und Larry Marshall (Minneapolis). George Floyd was real. When he did make it back years later, he found the entire community had disappeared. Even the original decree that was delivered by Queen Elizabeth I to Sir Walter Raleigh, in regards to his quest for The New World stated that he should "discover, search, find out, and view such remote heathen and barbarous Lands, Countries, and territories ... to have, hold, occupy, and enjoy.” AKA, take what you want and burn the rest. „I can’t breathe“, sagte George Floyd elf Mal, bevor er – von Polizisten zu Boden gedrückt - am 25. What should be more terrifying to white people than the thought of white erasure? It accompanied every slave ship, every mining excavation, every imperialist mission that set forth across our world. Because as I mentioned before, if you’re surprised by George Floyd’s murder, then you haven’t been paying attention. FM4 Soundpark im Hauptabend. I’m always a bit taken aback (but again not surprised) when the first question that I get from white people upon discussing a black person who has been murdered by the police is “What did he do?”; as though people being murdered by the police is ever deserved or legit. Which brings me to another fact about the far too short life of George Floyd: he too was born in Texas, much like the cowboy mythology in my mind; making this story all the more tragic and stereotypically American. Station website. Der FM4 Interviewpodcast, die Science Busters und der HipHop Lesekreis (um nur einige unserer Podcasts zu nennen) bekommen Gesellschaft! Die New Yorker Musikerin hat das FM4 Studio beehrt, herzerwärmende Songs performt und über ihren Zugang zu Cover Versionen gesprochen.

Nicht annähernd so unterhaltsam wie mit Freunden und Freundinnen - deswegen haben maschek, Bilderbuch, Ankathie Koi, Michi Buchinger und viele andere vorbeigeschaut und uns dabei geholfen, uns so richtig heimisch zu fühlen. Seriously reworked.“, Im Akustik Studio hat sie ihren eigenen Song „Christobel“ mit Blur´s Track „Out Of Time“ vereint: “I was working on writing a new arrangement for “Christobel” because I wrote that song on a guitar and I was playing guitar in this sort of like strummy way that I don’t ever do anymore nor am I interested in doing. To be clear, this is normally not the first question another black person will pose to me whenever this topic arises. Over 400 years later, in 1974, George Floyd, the man brutally murdered by police last week, was born. And the fact that outbursts of this irrational fear can be considered as an act of self-defense is a reality that sits in all of our ancestral minds, whether we like it or not. FM4 knows now what's gonna happen tomorrow and loves to … I do, however, love a historical mystery. In retrospect, I guess that I was attempting to distract myself from the latest horrific example of White Fear’s influence on American violence; by watching a fictionalized account about one of the roots of that white fear glossed up in a celebrity packed violent (American) horror series. Zur Prime Time wird die österreichische Musikszene ins Scheinwerferlicht gebeten: Heimische Acts treten live auf, stellen ihre neuesten Releases vor oder spielen Sessions ein, die per Audio und Video aufgezeichnet werden. „I dont necessarily expect to make songs better I just want to shine some kind of new light on them. Joan As Police Woman spricht in ihrer gleichnamigen Podcast-Serie über ihre Songs und die Compilation. Es geht um das Leben und Überleben. 3 Tage nach dem Sender-Neustart geht „FM4 Soundpark“ mit Lisa Schneider on air: ab 28.11.2019 jeden Donnerstag von 19 bis 22 Uhr.

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