Egil Skallagrimssons Saga er en saga, der omhandler Egil Skallagrimssons livhistorie (ca. Egil's Saga historically narrates a period from approximately 850 to 1000 CE and is believed to have been written between 1220 and 1240 CE. Egill was born in Iceland, and was the son of Skalla-Grímr Kveldúlfsson and Bera Yngvarsdóttir, and the grandson of Kveld-Úlfr ("Night Wolf").

[35] In chapters 60-62, Egil is confronted with a situation where he must greet King Eirik, with whom he is on bad terms. Grim shoved him to the ground, and after consulting his friend Thord (Þórðr Granason), Egil took revenge by driving an axe through Grim's head. [35] In chapters 60-62, Egil is confronted with a situation where he must greet King Eirik, with whom he is on bad terms. Þorsteinn, Arinbjorn and Egil made plans to sail to Norway to claim Thorsteinn's share. A compromise was mediated by Olvir Hnufa (Ölvir hnúfa or "Olvir Hump"), Kveldulf's brother-in-law[b] and Harald's court poet: Kveldulf was to send his elder son Thorolf, as soon as he returned from viking expedition.
- Hermann Pálsson and Paul Edwards translation, Penguin Classics, 1976, "At the root of the first half of the Saga are two family conflicts which extend far beyond the domestic issues which give rise to them, and lead ultimately to enmities with the royal household of Norway. The saga be­gins in Nor­way around 850, with the life of Egil's grand­fa­ther Ulf (Úlfr) aka Kvel­dulf or "Evening Wolf", and his two sons Thorolf (Þórólfr) and Skalla­grim (Skalla-Grímr).

King Hakon requested Thorstein to collect tribute in Varmland or be sentenced to outlawry. Denne side blev senest ændret den 10. juli 2017 kl. The brothers Egil and Thorolf Skallagrimsson are born. King Harald Fairhair (Haraldr Hárfagri) was warring to unite all of Norway. Ifølge sagaen var Egil en stor og respekteret mand. [35][36] These poems are also meant to honor the two. Faun Egil Saga lyrics: "hefir hon haft langan vanmátt," / ok þat var kröm mikil. He appears to be a shallow creature and in many instances the only time he appears to put much thought into anything is when he composes and recites poetry.

The saga begins in Norway around 850, with the life of Egil's grandfather Ulf (Úlfr) aka Kveldulf or "Evening Wolf", and his two sons Thorolf (Þórólfr) and Skallagrim (Skalla-Grímr). [11] In the battle, Kveldulf displayed his "frenzy" (hamrammr or hamremi), which left him severely weakened. Eirik made alliance by marrying his daughter to Arnfinn. Stylistic and other similarities between Egil's Saga and Heimskringla have led many scholars to believe that they were the work of the same author, Snorri Sturluson. info)) is an Icelandic saga (family saga) on the lives of the clan of Egill Skallagrímsson (Anglicised as Egil Skallagrimsson), an Icelandic farmer, viking and skald. Han udrettede store ting og havde et godt ry mange steder. Along the way Egil stayed with Arinbjorn, whom he convinces to go to King Hákon on his behalf. [10] In this way Thorolf managed to somewhat keep the peace between Skallagrim and King Eirik Bloodaxe.
There are also vivid descriptions of his other fights and friendships, his relationship with his family (highlighted by his jealousy, as well as fondness for his older brother Thorolf), his old age, and the fate of his own son Thorstein (Þorsteinn, who was baptized once Roman Catholicism came to Iceland) and his children, who had many children of their own. The story is set in a time when many people were migrating, most notably from Norway to Iceland. Eirik was furious, but Arinbjorn Thorisson convinced Eirik to spare Egil's life if he could compose a poem in his honor. His reactions are usually on a grand scale to the point where they are often outrageous and entertaining. Sayers observes Egil must have faked an illness to skip the wedding, since he was already in love with Asgerd. Actually Bard also served another beverage that was not ale, called. [33] Later, in chapter 38, Skallagrim composes an insulting poem about King Eirik after the king had given Skallagrim a gift not commensurate with his worth. Egil went in Thorsteinn's place. He approached the prince with a gift of a painted warship that Eirik was admiring, on advice of Bjorn (Björn Brynjólfsson), Thorir's brother-in-law.[d][e][14]. To top it off, Egil erects a scorn-pole (Nithing pole) with a horse head mounted on top, laying a curse that the nature spirits drive King Eirik and Queen Gunnhild away from Norway.

Bjorn's daughter, fostered with Skallagrim in Iceland, later became Thorir's wife (and afterward Egil's). [12], The saga then proceeds to describe the lives of Thorolf and Egil Skallagrimsson, born in Iceland, and eventually making their way to Norway in adulthood. Share this document with a friend. The descendants of Kveldúlfr find themselves involved in two complicated inheritance feuds, at one time rejecting the claims of illegitimate children of a second marriage, and at another time claiming land on behalf of another illegitimate child born to similar circumstances.[32].

Egil's movements are under surveillance, and when he appears to leave the country, Berg-Onund dismissed the men he had gathered for protection and traveled not far from his home (Ask) to the king's farm at Aarstad. For which he was rewarded with two gold rings, along with an expensive cloak that the king himself had worn. Egil's Saga historically narrates a period from approximately 850 to 1000 CE and is believed to have been written between 1220 and 1240 CE.

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